Fight for Forests

Stop food companies from burning forests for profit.

Right now, mega corporations like Cargill and JBS are driving the destruction of forests to produce meat and animal feed, risking the creation of new pandemics.

We need your help to stop them.

Test video only until we have our new fight for forests video ready for view


Read our report

Fanning the Flames: the corporations destroying the Amazon and worsening the COVID-19 pandemic

Learn More

"I will burn all the forests to line my own pockets"

Dave McLennan CEO, Cargill

Take Action

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Tell CEOs to stop allowing the bulldozing of forests and risking spread of new disease.

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Tweet @Cargill and @JBS_oficial and tell them to stop letting their suppliers bulldoze the forest for profit.

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Call Costco out on their financing of Cargill and JBS. We have all the information you need to let your voice be heard.

Call Costco

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